Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 23~ July 22~ The albergue experience

Ponferrada to Cacabelos, 10.9 miles, 5.5 hours

Boy what a difference a flat surface makes. Walked faster through villages, vineyards and small vegetable farms. Doug says very idyllic, drop dead gorgeous.

Stopped at an alburgue that is different than any other. We have stayed in cubicles with 100 to a room. Rooms filled with 6-40 beds with kitchen, eating areas, men/women or communal bathrooms, laundry or no laundry areas or any combination. Today's 35 rooms are surrounding the courtyard of a church and remind me of storage units. 2 beds per door (room) with storage bins, room is around 8x8. Showers, toilets are segregated mid courtyard with outdoor sitting, laundry sinks with drying racks. All our clothes will be faded by the time we he back from the sun. No kitchen or cafe. We miss our bed and quiet home.

Our feet are doing much better with the shorter days!


  1. Doug and Jamie- Glad to hear the feet are feeling better. I should have mentioned a few tips from others that I've heard work for them. 1- It's good to take your shoes and maybe even socks off during breaks to let the feet air out. Elevate above your head if convenient. 2- Take short breaks (5-10 min) maybe every half hour. 3- Wear sandals or similar at the end of the day to air out feet. 4- Keep toenails trimmed. Hope that helps, without me appearing too motherly. Arlie

  2. Hey jamie, I just listened to the perfect song to go with your pictures. I'll play it for you when you get home. Some of the words arte almost quotes from your comments. Love ya, Don
