Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 12 ~ July 11 ~ Short day

Belorado to Villafranca Montes de Oca, 7.5 miles, 4 hours

Today we decided to walk a shorter distance though the weather was a normal Whidbey day (cloudy & misty) that would have made walking pleasant. All but one blister is healed, but the feet are still protesting. Hope the day of rest will help heal the feet.

We passed another rock building called the San Felices ruins that I find so interesting. That is one thing that we don't have at home is the continual old history & construction 2000 or more years old. As we walk about Spain one familiar item is the flowers. I can identify most but others are new to me. I want apologize if I repeat myself, the days meld together and truly each day is waking, eating, walking, eating, sleeping. Not much else other than some housekeeping items. Good night all, love and miss you!


  1. Thanks for the pictures and updates. Saves a lot of worry and wonder at this end. Your loop along the prairie and bluff will seem like nothing! Love you guys! Don P.S. Give a note if your getting messages from us at home.

    1. So glad that you are following our progress! I am getting emails and seeing comments but don't have the energy to respond. Wifi is sporadic so posting is hard to do on a regular basis. Love you guys ~ Jamie & Doug.

  2. Hi guys. How are your feet? We will keep praying for you and your endurance and spirit. Love, J & R
